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Download Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks APK Version 1.1.39, Free - All Resolution Screen - support Android 10 - lates version 2021

Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks

Digital Chocolate

apk - jar

1MB - 4MB

full screen

1 - 13


Hold on for 99 tracks of high speed fun with up to 5 power-ups, ghost race, multiplayer mode and more!. Experiencetracks that'll thrill you at every turn- including elements like water splash, cave tunel, and falling tracks. Get ready for the thrills and spills of huge jumps, loops and drops in a rollercoaster game like no other!


GIF from Rollercoaster APK version 1.1.39


Package Name com.digtalchocolate.androidroller
Version 1.1.39
OS Support Alpha 1 up to android 13
API Level Min-1, Target-
Resolution Full screen
DPI all-dpi


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Rollercoaster Revolution 99 Tracks APK v1.1.39